Saturday, June 25, 2011

hepi beday adik

On 24th june 2011,this cute little girl has turn to 8 years old.Happy Birthday adik sayang.and now i miss her so much.
Adik,kak aliaa rindu adik sangat.rindu nak main dengan adik.bila la boleh jumpa adik lagi?masa tak mengizinkan.cuti takde.kalau ada cuti panjang kak aliaa mai rumah adik lagi yea.

masa beday dia aku sempat kol dia.dengar suara dia yg ceria tu,rasa rindu membuak-buak.then sempat ckp dgn kak atilia.rindu jugak dgn adik aku yg sorg lagi tu.hehe.bestnye ada adik beradik perempuan ni.seronok sangat.adik Aisya,kak Atilia terima kasih sebab hadir dalam hidup Kak you guys so much.

Taraaaaaaaa.....ini hadiah yg aku nak bagi kat adik.share dgn Afiqah skali.insyaAllah minggu depan sampai.Hepi Beday once again you =)

Friday, June 24, 2011

one year of university life story

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone,

26th June 2011 full year i was in Uitm Puncak Perdana.still fresh in the memory when the first day first impression about Uitm Puncak this realy what we call a university?why so small?nothing i can say anymore.just accept the truth.but it was not bad at all.i love the's just like an apartment.i quite suprise about im gonna live at damn has 3 rooms.i got the master room with 4 people which will be my roomates.when i first entered the room means the first time i known Syidah Fazil.she was there with her first impression about her.she looks nice.and the way she talk to me i know she can be a good roomate as well as my housemate.Alhamdulillah until now we stay as a housemate for 3 sem.opss.not exactly.just 2 sem.because in the second sem she stayed with the JPK.

After Syidah,then i met the others which is Intan Saidah,Intan Syawani,Wan.KD,Afiqah and Kak Akma.First day there,i had to face the orientation day or we call it as Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS).It happened for a damn tired.we have to wake up early in the morning at 5am and have to go to surau for subuh prayer.and after that we have to listen the speeches.i cant remember the people who gave the speech.and this happen for a week.yeahh.suckks right.but im not realy hate the MDS.actualy we also had so much fun.a week there for MDS i got many new friends.and also the abang and kakak for the MDS are so thats how it goes for my MDS.

Then,my class had start.luckily Afiqah Ayob which is my housemate got the same class with me.first day in class.i dont know anyone of them except to day i get to know them better.
since i have no basic in accounting,i thought this sem was the hardest semester.but thank god,in the final exam i manage to get A for that accounting paper.Eventhough my final exam result was not good at all,but i think it is enough for me when i got A for FAR100.

In the semester 1,me,KD,syidah,afiqah have been involved in JPK as a ad-hoc and here is where we know Fahmi and Syah.when i involve myself in JPK so that means i drag myself into a busy life.i was so busy in the first sem with the kolej activities.then,i decided to resign from the JPK for the next sem because i hate busy life.

end of the story of first semester.

at sunway
last day with afiq

one fine day at KFC
such a sweet memories between us

first outing with them

begin of second semester story,
stay with the old housemate,except syidah and kak akma and they were replaced by nony and kak mai.first day of second sem.i got to know kak new roomate as well as housemate.she's so beautiful.then,this is also when first i know nony.hahaha.this cute little girl from kelantan.just nice to be her friends but i think im just like her sister.i love to treat her just like my sis.not my KD always said,i treat her like my daughter.sorry,i think im not suitable to become a mummy to 19 years old girl.hahaha.

AC110 2B,
stay with them again.subject for this sem become more tough esp cost accounting.i got B for this paper.Alhamdulillah,my pointer has increased for this sem final exam.but it was not good enough.
i love my classmates.this semester was the first time i went to a trip with the classmate.we went to genting highlands.we had so much fun there.i love that moments.

and also,in this sem where my love story begin with happened in the second week.i get close with him when our first outing for this sem at that time i have no feeling towards him AT ALL.he's the one who approach me first.and then he makes me fall in love with him.then,begins of our sweet memory.arghhhhh.i wish i can delete all the memories from my i hate him.SO MUCH.i dont want to see him anymore!!

end of second sem story

beginning of third sem,
which happen now.still stay with KD,Afiqah,Nony and Syidah plus 3 new housemate which is Dania,Diba and Hanisah.we stay at blok 4 laman B.the strategic place.because near the cafe.the most important thing we got the second damn cool.but we're facing the boys blok.same like last sem.but we use to it.haha.

then about my classmate AC1103B.for the third sem.most of us still staying in the same class.about the lecturers,i think i love all the lecturers this sem.seems like they're so sporting.i guesss.heee.I think the subject which I take rather difficult but i'll do the best for it.pray for me guys

and that's the story up to one year in UiTM Puncak Perdana.and now I'm still fighting for two semesters before graduation.I had so much wonderful memories there with the great people.i hope that these memories will remain in my mind.=)

p/s:full of english.nak practice meyhhh.MUET bai tahun ni.adoiii.cuak gile laaah.doakan yang terbaik untuk aku.peace yo!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Assalamualaikum and hye sumer,

fineee...aku lah pembukaan cite utk kes jatuh tergolek utk sem ni.tapi ak x lah tergolek mcm Syidah Fazil.hahaa.sakit bai luka kat lutut ni.merana aku dua tiga menjak ni.masa mandi lagi x leh bla.mcm nak nagis la tahan sakit.skang ak solat pon duduk.nak jalan pon terhencut-hencut.luka tu tak la besar mana pon.tapi ak taktau asal sakit sgt.maybe sbb aku dah lama tak dpt luka teruk cmtu.seigt aku tym kecik2 je ak jatuh smp luka mcm tu.hisyy.memang malang tak berbau.

psl kes aku jatuh ni bukan salah sesape.tapi memang salah aku sendiri.bak kata Afiqah Ayob 'aliaa ni suka merepek tau'.and yeahhh.thats yg suka merepek kerepek smp jatuh.hahah.padan muka aku.kejadian ni jadi masa balik dpd kelas nak menuju ke bilik.aku jatuh depan kolej.lebih tepat lagi depan pejabat PNC.biasa lah kanak2 ribena.aku gi main dekat batu depan pejabat PNC tu tetibe tak dpt nak balance badan maka aku pon jatuh.haha.kemek buku AIS yg aku pegang masa tu.dh la buku baru.yang aku ni pandai sgt.bukan nak letak buku dlm beg.haishhh.sedih ak tgok buku kemek cmtu.hahaa.dan aku pon pulang ke bilik dgn kaki yg teramatla sakit.

takpe2.baru awal sem.masih banyak lagi masa utk yang lain jatuh.Khodijah Shamsul,Afiqah Ayob,Syidah Fazil kite tgok lepas ni sapa yg jatuh plak.

selamat tinggal

Selamat tinggal kawanku
Tak mudah aku pergi
Bila wajahmu
Sentiasa di hati ini

Ok dah memang
Bukan mudah untuk ku menerima hakikat
Dalam hidup ini sentiasa ku tersekat
Apa yang ku harapkan
Kasih sayang yang suci murni
Tetapi semuanya hilang setelah kau pergi
Dulu hari-hari ku berwarna warni
Kini kian mendung
Ia tinggal satu memori
Jangan jangan lepaskan genggamanku ini
Hidupku hanya bermakna jika kau di sini

Mana janji mana erti
Kenapa gembiraku kini menjadi sepi
Musnah segala apa yang ku impikan
Tetapi ku tetap tabah
Kerana Tuhan yang menentukan

Kau tetap pergi apakan daya
Walaupun ku telah mencuba sedaya upaya
Ku harapkan ini sesuatu yang kekal
Namun ku terpaksa melepaskanmu baby
Selamat tinggal

lagu dina dgn zizan.sedih bile baca lirik dia.ade la sket kaitan dgn hidup aku.anyway,it is just a nice song.=)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

aku single

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone

post kali ni agak sedih.lihat la title di betul.ak da single.haha.peduli apa aku.itu memang apa yang aku nak selama ni.ada boyfren pon macam takde.baik break up je

Terima kasih untuk semuanya.saya tak tahu,adakah jatuh cinta dengan awak merupakan kesalahan paling besar yg saya buat dlm hidup saya.yeahh,inilah pengakhirannya.kita putus gak.saya dah penat awak.penat dengan sume ni.saya menangis sebab awak,awak mungkin tak pernah tahu tu kan.saya sayang awak.tapi awak seolah-olah tak pernah nampak semua itu.kalau betul awk syg saya,kenapa awk tak pernah tunjuk?awak tak reti nak tunjuk?awak menyeksa perasaan saya.tiap2 hari saya tunggu awak msg or kol saya.tapi awak tak pernah buat.bila saya msg awk salu tak balas.kdg2 awak ckp awk bz.lagi saya sakit hati.saya sedih sgt awk.saya cuba untuk terima sgl kekurangan awak.saya sabar tunggu awak tiap2 hari.akhirnya,kesabaran saya selama ni sia2 je.kita putus juga akhirnya.takpelah,saya tabah hadapi semua ni.mungkin ini nasib saya.terima kasih sbb buat saya suka dan sayang awk.rasanya tak pernah saya sygkan seseorg lelaki mcm saya sayangkan awk.awak lah insan pertama tu.saya pernah janji pada diri saya,yang saya akan setia dengan awak sampai bila2.tapi saya tak sangka hubungan kita sampai sini je.jodoh kita tak panjang.saya terima semua tu.teruskanlah hidup awk tanpa saya.mungkin awk lebih senang kan.kita bawa haluan masing2.itu yang terbaik untuk kita.untuk melupakan awak bukanlah pekara yg senang yg boleh saya buat.saya doakan awak bahagia dengan org yg awak sayang.selamat tinggal Muhammad Khairul Adha B Abu Bakar.

gambar terakhir kita
sekali lagi,terima kasih sbb buat saya jatuh cinta dgn awak
selama kita kapel,awk banyak ajar saya untuk bersabar.mungkin lepas ni saya akan lebih berhati-hati untuk tidak mudah jatuh cinta.bye adha.