Monday, July 18, 2011

Just so you know

Just So You Know,Jesse McCartney
Izfarouq,thanks for the songs
sorry for the bad writing.just wrote the chorus
tulisan saya tak lawa mcm awak.heeeee =)
cap abg nikon saje capub kat situ.
fyi,this photo was taken by abg nik.special thanks to my superb boyfren.HAHA.


  1. okay.tulis yang baik2 psl saya ek.x nak msg awk smgu klu awk tulis yg bkn2 psl saya!amaran keras ni

  2. ek eleh. bole ke x msg sminggu derr? haha. -,-' takotnye takotnye. sy nk tulis lagu gak. :D

  3. eleh.bleh je.haha.izfarouq,awk stil tkot nak tulis yg baik2 psl saya ye?haaaahaaaaaa.apa pon x bleyhh~~
